A multiplayer on the consoles allows 24 players, while the edition for PC comprises 64 people. The only peculiarity is the number of players on a map. The versions for PC and video game consoles don’t differ much. Team Deathmatch – the teams fight against each other till the total extermination of one of themĮntering a multiplayer mode, you get experience, which can be spent on opening new weapons and equipment or upgrading available guns.Rush – one team attacks, another one stands on the defensive.Entering the common game, you should choose one of the following roles: However, its great popularity and an edition of 15 million copies owe much to the multiplayer mode.
In the single-player mode you are to prevent the act of terrorism and the explosion of a nuclear warhead. The main character of the game is an American marine who fights against terrorists in Tehran, New York, and Paris.