A maze here and there, Pac arcade games to unlock, fruits to collect, dots to gobble up, ghosts to chomp-the old elements are always there but never overpowering or too out of place. The thing that makes PMW2 really different and fun is the way classic Pac-Man touches have been added. The level design is straightforward and challenging (especially later stages) but relatively low on surprises. You progress through all the typical areas: forests, frozen tundra, a volcano and underwater. Most of the game looks and plays as if our yellow friend's been caught in the latest Crash Bandicoot. But Pac-Man World 2 successfully mixes these polar-opposite genres into an enjoyable 21st-century brew. When I think Pac-Man, I think of wandering through mazes, gobbling dots, and chomping ghosts, not the running and jumping usually found in a 3D platform game.